The documentation you are viewing is for Dapr v1.5 which is an older version of Dapr. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.

开始使用 Dapr 客户端 Python SDK

如何使用 Dapr Python SDK 启动和运行

Dapr 客户端包允许您从 Python 应用程序中与其他 Dapr 应用程序进行交互。



Dapr 包包含 DaprClient ,该工具包将用于创建和使用客户端。

from dapr.clients import DaprClient


Python SDK 允许你与所有的 Dapr 构建块交互。


from dapr.clients import DaprClient

with DaprClient() as d:
    # invoke a method (gRPC or HTTP GET)    
    resp = d.invoke_method('service-to-invoke', 'method-to-invoke', data='{"message":"Hello World"}')

    # for other HTTP verbs the verb must be specified
    # invoke a 'POST' method (HTTP only)    
    resp = d.invoke_method('service-to-invoke', 'method-to-invoke', data='{"id":"100", "FirstName":"Value", "LastName":"Value"}', http_verb='post')

保存 & 获取应用程序状态

from dapr.clients import DaprClient

with DaprClient() as d:
    # Save state
    d.save_state(store_name="statestore", key="key1", value="value1")

    # Get state
    data = d.get_state(store_name="statestore", key="key1").data

    # Delete state
    d.delete_state(store_name="statestore", key="key1")

发布 & 订阅消息

from dapr.clients import DaprClient

with DaprClient() as d:
    resp = d.publish_event(pubsub_name='pubsub', topic='TOPIC_A', data='{"message":"Hello World"}')
from cloudevents.sdk.event import v1
from dapr.ext.grpc import App
import json

app = App()

@app.subscribe(pubsub_name='pubsub', topic='TOPIC_A')
def mytopic(event: v1.Event) -> None:
    data = json.loads(event.Data())
    print(f'Received: id={data["id"]}, message="{data ["message"]}"' 
          ' content_type="{event.content_type}"',flush=True)


from dapr.clients import DaprClient

with DaprClient() as d:
    resp = d.invoke_binding(name='kafkaBinding', operation='create', data='{"message":"Hello World"}')


from dapr.clients import DaprClient

with DaprClient() as d:
    resp = d.get_secret(store_name='localsecretstore', key='secretKey')
