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AWS SES binding spec

Detailed documentation on the AWS SES binding component


To setup AWS binding create a component of type 请参阅本指南,了解如何创建和应用绑定配置。

See Authenticating to AWS for information about authentication-related attributes

kind: Component
  name: ses
  namespace: default
  version: v1
  - name: accessKey
    value: *****************
  - name: secretKey
    value: *****************
  - name: region
    value: "eu-west-1"
  - name: sessionToken
    value: mysession
  - name: emailFrom
    value: ""
  - name: emailTo
    value: ""
  - name: emailCc
    value: ""
  - name: emailBcc
    value: ""
  - name: subject
    value: "subject"


字段 必填 绑定支持 详情 示例
region Y 输出 The specific AWS region "eu-west-1"
accessKey Y 输出 要访问此资源的 AWS 访问密钥 "key"
secretKey Y 输出 要访问此资源的 AWS 密钥访问 Key "secretAccessKey"
sessionToken N 输出 要使用的 AWS 会话令牌 "sessionToken"
emailFrom N 输出 If set, this specifies the email address of the sender. See also ""
emailTo N 输出 If set, this specifies the email address of the receiver. See also ""
emailCc N 输出 If set, this specifies the email address to CC in. See also ""
emailBcc N 输出 If set, this specifies email address to BCC in. See also ""
subject N 输出 If set, this specifies the subject of the email message. See also "subject of mail"


字段名为 ttlInSeconds

  • create

Example request

You can specify any of the following optional metadata properties with each request:

  • emailFrom
  • emailTo
  • emailCc
  • emailBcc
  • subject

When sending an email, the metadata in the configuration and in the request is combined. The combined set of metadata must contain at least the emailFrom, emailTo, emailCc, emailBcc and subject fields.

The emailTo, emailCc and emailBcc fields can contain multiple email addresses separated by a semicolon.


  "operation": "create",
  "metadata": {
    "emailTo": "",
    "emailCc": "",
    "subject": "Email subject"
  "data": "Testing Dapr SMTP Binding"

The emailTo, emailCc and emailBcc fields can contain multiple email addresses separated by a semicolon.
